Ukrainian Canadian Congress, Ottawa Branch
Ukrainian-interest Events Calendar
October 2019
Oct. 2, Wed. 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm. UCWLC Embroidery Group meeting. Bring an embroidery (or beading) project and join us for an evening of stitching and socializing. St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Shrine Hall, 952 Green Valley Cres. For more information call Christine (613) 731-1870 or Luba (613) 744-1417
Oct. 6, Sun. 9:30 am. The October 2019 edition of Ukrainian Profile will air on Rogers Channel 22 with a repeat on Saturday, Oct. 12. It will feature two interviews covering President Zelenskyy’s first 100 days in office and developments in Ukraine’s foreign policy.
Oct. 6, Sun. 4:45 pm – 6:45 pm. First workshop in Ottawa School of Ukrainian Dance Podorozh! Journey with OSUD series. Traditional Ukrainian Village Dance with Oleh But from Kyiv. Oleh has been teaching, searching, preserving and learning village dance (in contrast to staged Ukrainian dance) for the past 20 years, traveling to rural villages all over Ukraine. Registration is open to all – ages 12 and up. Space is limited, hold your spot by sending an email to [email protected]. Admission $10.00 at the door. School of Dance Studios, 200 Crichton St.
Oct. 19, Sat. 10:00 am. Ukrainian Business Networking Breakfast. Lorenzo’s Bar & Grill, 911 Richmond Rd. Everyone is welcome! Bring your business cards. Info: Michael Kostiuk. 613-324-5409.
E-mail: [email protected].
Oct. 20, Sun. 2:00 pm. Book launch of new edition of “The Passion of Christ” by William Kurelek. Presentation by art historian and author Dr. Khrystyna Beregovska of Lviv on the life and phenomenon of William Kurelek in world art. Copies of the book will be available for sale. Free admission, English language presentation. St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Shrine, 952 Green Valley Cres. For information,
Oct. 22, Tues. 7:30 pm. Monthly meeting of the Ukrainian Genealogy Group. The topic is “A History of Ukrainians in the U.S.: 1600 – 2019” by Michael Buryk. St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Shrine Hall, 952 Green Valley Cres. For information, (613) 731-1870
Oct. 26, Sat. 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. Paul Yuzyk Institute for Youth Leadership Training Seminar. Hosted by UNF Ottawa-Gatineau branch, this full-day event will feature Eugene Roman, former executive vice president of digital excellence and technology at the Canadian Tire Corporation, who will speak about surviving in a highly-connected world with skills for the future. VIP Room at Marconi Centre, 1026 Baseline Road. Free parking, refreshments will be provided throughout the day. Please register on Eventbrite by October 20, 2019. Registration is $10. If you have any questions, please email [email protected].
Oct. 26, Sat. 7:00 pm. League of Ukrainian Canadians (LUC) Ottawa branch, invites you to their MASKARADA halloween event. Doors open at 7pm at 911 Carling Avenue. Admission is free with a costume, $5 without a costume. There will be games, a 50/50 draw, cash bar and food for sale. This is a 18+ event.
If you have any questions, please email [email protected]
Volunteers still needed!
Be part of the XXVI Ukrainian Canadian Triennial Congress in Ottawa, November 1-3, 2019. This event brings representatives of Ukrainian organizations together to engage in building a strong community in Canada, today and for the future.
Youth and adult volunteers are needed in the following areas: Set up & Take-down, Information desk, Registration, Vendor liaison, Workshop moderators, VIP greeters, Head usher/General ushers for sessions in plenary hall, Evening Event Attendant .
Please sign-up online
To view the Calendar in Word Doc, click here:
Ottawa Events Calendar – October 2019
Advance Notice
November 1 – 3. Fri. – Sun. UCC XXVI Triennial Congress in Ottawa. For information about the Congress, including how to become a delegate, volunteer or guest, sponsorship opportunities and program go to
Nov. 3, Sun. 3:00 pm. Crossroads Concert. A unique musical journey through nearly four centuries performed by the Canadian Bandurist Capella at the Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, 1000 Byron Ave. Tickets available at the door : Adults $25, Students $15, Children under 12 free. For information call (647) 229-9531
Nov. 7-9, Thurs – Sat. 15th Annual Danyliw Research Seminar at the University of Ottawa.
Nov. 9, Sat. Ukrainian Harvest Dance. Liturgy 4:45 pm, Cocktails 6:00 pm, Supper 7:00 pm (traditional Ukrainian dinner), Dance 9:00 pm (live band FIESTA). St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Shrine, 952 Green Valley Cres. Sponsored by Knights of Columbus St Vladimir the Great Council 9557. Major beneficiary : The ROYAL-DIFD (Do It For Daron) Foundation
Tickets $40.00 each, advance sale only, tickets will not be sold at the door. Contact Mike Jaz (613) 830-7787 [email protected] and Paul Kozak (613) 224-9551 [email protected]
The Ukrainian Hour radio program is now again podcast, and the previous several programs can be heard at any time on, if you didn’t catch the program on Sunday, 6-7 pm, on 97.9 FM.
If you have any event notices, please send them to us at: [email protected]